Kohana Blog

The Pet Cage


Placing animals in cages is generally considered to be a cruel thing, but many people who do not own pets do not know that some animals do not suffer as a direct result of living in a cage, or spending most of its time in a cage. Pet lovers everywhere are looking for better ways to provide a home for their beloved pets, it is the pet owner that is the party which is most interested in its pets comfort and will also go through many difficulties in supplying the best home he can find, build or buy.

This is mostly true when talking about owners of pets who are generally considered dangerous, like snakes and other reptiles, these are animals that you would want to keep away from your living room and on the same time some people love these kind of animals and enjoy watching them grow and live their lives. The solution is a pet cage that will provide security for the pet owner and his family and in the same time give the animal a spacious place to live and spend most of its time.

The pet cages are just a modern version of the animal cage that humans used many years ago to hold their wild animals, after a while these became the domesticated animals and most of them were released out of the cages because of the relationship between the animals and the humans, dogs and cats are an excellent example of animals who were first placed in cages and afterwards granted the freedom of movement which relayed heavily on the connection between pet and owner.

Some pet owners will tell you that some pets like to have a place of their own, a well placed cage can take care of the natural need for a secure space, and the pet cage can also work well in many cases in which the owner needs to transfer the pet to some other location, sometime to a visit to the veterinarian, a flight or while moving to a different house. The great advantage in having a pet that is used to its pet cage is that no matter where you place the pet it will always feel at home if it has the cage nearby.

Deciding on what kind of pet cage you want is sometimes the hardest decision, it is naturally dependent on the kind of pet you have or want to keep in the cage, from rabbits for iguanas, the sort of cage, material and build is completely different. When looking for a pet cage to buy you should always talk to a veterinarian first, and make sure you know what kind of space the animal needs and what will be the health issues you will need to address.

If you are building your pet cage you will probably need to look for good design plans and talk to owners of pets that use all kinds of different cages, you will be amazed at how much information is available on the internet and how much help some people will be willing to offer, all you need to do is try and contact your fellow pet owners.

Simon Oldmann is an avid pet lover, now living in the countryside he setup a dog kennel for his dogs and other features for his many pets, Simon currently writes tips and advice on http://petcage.advice-tips.com.

The Secret To A Successful Divorce


So what is the most crucial secret you need to know to have a successful divorce?

It is the simplest secret, yet the most difficult one to master: Controlling your emotions!

I coach many women who just cant seem to understand and follow this one piece of advice. Usually by the time they come to see me they have made quite a mess of things. I have coached women who have been divorced for years and still cant control their emotions when it comes to their ex-husband!

Granted you are going through one of the most difficult times you will ever face in your life, and so you may feel angry, hurt, sad, and confused.

It will take immense stamina and self-control, but you must getand keepcontrol over your emotions. Your ability to do so will affect everything from how you fare financially to how your children adjust.

Losing control and showing emotion is how you lose this war. Do not be fooled, divorce is a war. You need to prepare for battle and master the art of winning the divorce war.

How do you control your emotions when you feel like you just want to scream?

1.Do not speak to your soon-to-be ex-husband unless absolutely necessary. When you do engage in conversation, speak only about your children or other important issues. Control the temptation to tell him that he is an idiot or you hate him! When you feel that you want to say something derogatory, get off the phone or walk away. Remember self-control!

2.Resist the urge to spy on him, ask neighbors and friends about what he is doing, or grill the kids about his girlfriend. I have known women to make prank calls to their husbands, drive by their exs homes repeatedly, and do other crazy things that were used against them in a courtroom. One woman was actually sued because she wrote a nasty comment about her exs girlfriend on the Internet. She didnt even refer to this woman by name, but the implication was enough for the judge to give her a guilty verdict and a fine.

3. Do not talk incessantly about your ex. You do need to talk to someone to let out your anger and rage, but limit your circle of listeners to a few good friends and family members. The clerk at the supermarket doesnt need to know just what a jerk your ex-husband is! Anger is like a fire that needs fuel to grow. The more you talk negatively about your ex, the angrier you will become and thus increase the chance of losing your temper.

Overall, think about the outcome you desire. Do you want to have the judge presiding over your divorce respect you, or do you want to look like an angry, bitter wife who is out of control?

Most people lie in family court, which is why judges rely on their own impression of a couple to see if the husband or wife appears more credible. Your behavior outside of the courtroom is crucial. Out-of-control behavior will almost always wind up back in the courtroom and cost you dearly.

So see a therapist, meditate, do whatever it takes to gain self-control. This is imperative at every stage: when you are thinking about getting a divorce, during the process, or even if you are already divorced. Your ex-husband is not going to go away, unfortunately, so you will need to find a way to deal with him in a calm and dignified manner.

Christina Rowe is the author of the new book Seven Secrets To A Successful Divorce-What Every Woman Needs To Know . Find out the survival skills that will save you time, money and heartache during your divorce.For your free Secrets of Divorce newsletter go to http://www.divorcesurvivalskills.com.

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